Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Politics and the United States of America's Constitution

Plain text version of the Constitution

Politics and the United States

of America's Constitution

     It seems only appropriate to open my blog with a discussion on the inverse relationship between American politics and the Constitution. The true irony of this relationship is not that self-serving politicians are doing whatever it takes to ensure their financial well-being or continued self-important existence in Congress. That is, to some rational extent, expected. Rather, The very people who need them the most, to uphold the oath they swore to protect and defend the Constitution, are enabling them to act seditiously: without restraint or consequences. The bottom line, We The People are at fault for allowing it to go this far.

The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America
We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
     If one were to ask, "What is the purpose of the Constitution?", one would need to go no further than the preamble. Justice, domestic tranquility and the blessings of liberty are so painfully obvious, no one could possibly misconstrue them. The American people were given a framework from which freedom, such as the world has never known, was to be the single most important ideal to be cherished. The authors of the Constitution were succinct. This was intentional so that those who would labor to interpret their writings in an obtuse manner would be thwarted. Unfortunately, ideology and activism have circumvented our founding fathers' efforts. 

     What answer would you get if you asked a teenager to describe Freedom? Given a natural tendency toward rebellion, they would probably say something like; staying out with friends until they wanted or Dad not telling me what to do. Being free is so ingrained in who we are, the concept does not need to be taught. Today, in many cases, it isn't being taught (see common core). This natural desire, even in "evolved" humans, is being ignored or overridden. The "why's" can transgress into far-fetched theory's. I'll cover some of the "how's".

     Let's look at a less heated, but intrinsically valuable Amendment currently under attack by the government. The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ~Bill of Rights #1A
 Let's look at a very recent event in history. The Bundy Ranch events since April 12, 2014 until now. I have no intention of delving into what Mr. Bundy does or does not owe or to whom. The exertion of overwhelming force the BLM attempted to use, as agreed by practically everyone, was inexcusable. The establishment of a First Amendment "area" was rightfully condemned by the press. What few bothered to cover it. In this instance, we have the media engaged in a confrontational relationship with the politicians to do the right thing. Like him or hate him for whatever reason, virtually all agreed it was improper and supported him. This is the correct relationship between the two. The media is supposed to be confrontational towards the government, not the people.

      Fast-forward a few days later when a hatchet job by the New York Times, through deceptive editing, created a nightmare racial scandal. To see the full video in context click Bundy remarksThe media doesn't bother to get the correct story or to show the complete video. In one week, the very same media and politicians that supported his first Amendment rights went running into the hills with pitchforks to condemn him. My pointing out how impotent and coward-like the media has become would be redundant. I'm going to focus the blame where it belongs, on us.

     Anyone who watched the video could tell it was edited. The true context of the video was concealed and therefore a lie. While many people did attempt to persuade the media to watch the full video and expose the NYT's for what they did, most accepted it and ran with it. American's did not do their own research. They relied on a media that lies for political and monetary gain to tell the truth and an innocent man was persecuted. His first Amendment rights were stripped by a few with an agenda. This set's up the cycle.

     The government misbehaves. The media covers for the government. People don't know or don't bother to find out what's really happening. The government see's this and is enabled to continue. Knowing the media will not only cover when someone yells racism, rightfully or not, gives them the gall to keep pushing. Had the people demanded that the entire video be put out, it would have provided a needed check of those in charge. If the media knows we will hold them accountable, they are more likely to provide the truth. If the government see's the media is being held to a higher standard, and in return, holds politicians to a higher standard, we are more likely to get the truth. This corrects the cycle. However, this is not the case. We the People failed to demand the truth.

     My use of the Bundy situation is only an example of the bizarre relationship between the people, the media and the government. I can sit here and opine for the next year with examples of how we have not done our jobs; our failure in every state to stop the slow and constant erosion of our second Amendment rights, the encroachment of the government into the classroom, boardroom and even our bedrooms. The fact is, too many people are demanding too many things from the government. They're so busy demanding, they no longer have the time or desire to keep an eye on what the media and politicians are actually doing. We've remained ignorant and complicit. By doing so, we allow the people who are supposed to defend the Constitution and our most prized possession, our Liberty and Freedom, to attack and molest it. This is the inverse relationship that has to stop.

     At the moment, I do not believe we have come to the point of no return. I believe we can still turn it around. We must all become involved in government. To self govern, to be our own masters. However, the only thing left for the Obama administration to do is state publicly, "The first thing we do, is kill all the lawyers". Until that time, I hold to a positive thought, "Give me liberty, or give me death". How is that for irony?

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